My position entails gliding hours, meaning my shift does not have a set schedule as long as I work nine hours (including the one-hour unpaid break). This allows me to be flexible with my work and life, strengthening the balance between the two.
Experienced, Cebu City - 16 Sep 2021
MedSpecialized is generally a Saturday Sunday off company which is a big plus.
Experienced, Cebu City - 15 Sep 2021
Hours are flexible depending on the role
Graduate, Cebu - 15 Sep 2021
For my role, the company allows me to be flexible with my schedule. I am able to choose when I come in (as long as it's not very late) provided that I work the full 8 hours of my shift. I also have the option to extend my breaks if there's a need
Experienced, Cebu City - 15 Sep 2021
My position has a gliding schedule so I can come in to work anytime from 6-9am.
Experienced, Cebu - 15 Sep 2021